Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Rhett's Potty Trained!! - pretty much..

When I faced the potty training time, I did what I do with about every subject in my life. I read about a hundred books on it, different theories and perspectives, learned everything about everything, confused myself, decided it was too hard and found a thousand reasons to keep putting it off. Rhett was helpful by showing no desire whatsoever to go on the toilet or be a "big boy." About four weeks ago we were at the park with a playgroup and one of the little boys had to go, so his mom and him ran to a tree and went. Of course I pointed out what a big boy he was and Rhett thought it was so cool to pee on the tree!! He wanted to go do it to, so I let him. One of the mom's was telling me how she made a chart and bought a toy, etc..I had read about this kind of stuff before, but I was inspired this time. I decided to combine the multiple theories floating around in my head and forget about all the "signs" he was supposed to display and wasn't etc. etc. I took him to the store, found a toy he wanted (a sword) and for the first time he was interested in the big boy underwear and picked some out he liked so he could get his sword. We rushed home and I made him a really messy potty chart, put the toy up, used the potty doll, gave treats for dryness and double treats for going on the toilet, like I said combined everything and ta da!! (as Rhett says) For two or three days his only accidents were during his nap, but after that he did pretty well. He's had two or three pee accidents since then, but he will NOT poop on the toilet!! I don't know what to do. He holds it and holds it until night time and then poops at 1 or 2 in the morning - and then comes and gets in bed with me..Any suggestions??

I know he is way to skinny!!! I try to feed him, I really do!!


Rachel said...

Oh man! Poop in the middle of the night sounds like some kind of torture tactic. I am so sorry... good luck!

Abs said...

Yeah for getting potty trained! I honestly thinking you just have to figure out what's best for you when it comes to training. You can read books and stuff, but no one really knows your kid, so I say good for you and Rhett! Izzy is great at telling me when she had to poop in the potty, so I'm not going to be so great in giving advice there. Sorry, I'm sure that you will think of something!

Philip, Melissa, & Summer said...

Great job on getting him to go pee. I am sure it is different for boys and girls. I think going poop on the toilet is intimidating for some reason. But after Summer did if finally a couple times it was much better.

Lindsay said...

Nice work on the p train! It sounds like you need to write a book with all of the combined methods. So for the first two days of potty training Calvin wouldn't go poo either until a pullup was on. Then on the third day he just had to go so bad during the day that he just did it. I'm sure Rhett will come around soon. Maybe you should follow your same steps - go pick a new toy for going poop and keep it in view. It seems like if they just do it, they won't be afraid anymore. Good luck!